Companion Animal

Companion Animal Research Review

This review is a unique New Zealand publication providing topical, relevant and accessible information for animal healthcare professionals with an interest in companion animal health. In essence, the review is a summary of what we consider to be some of the most significant new studies in this area. For each paper we have provided commentary on why the findings are important and, where relevant, have suggested how they can potentially affect local practice.

Commentary is provided by Nick Cave.

Animal Health Review publications are free to receive.
Animal Health Reviews publications are accredited for 0.5 points per publication with the NZVNA. More information is available at NZVNA
Animal Health Reviews can be used as part of your CPD record with the Veterinary Council of New Zealand. Simply record your activity on your activity record and create a reflective learning record by writing a few sentences about what you learnt and how this impacts your practice as a veterinarian.
See the VCNZ website for templates to download activity records and reflective records.

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